Mga Post

An Easter Experience

  An Easter greetings to all! We had a beautiful celebration of the Easter Triduum with 10 priests joining us. This time we have opened our chapel for the public. During the Holy Week especially the night of the "Visita Iglesia" many people flock to pray in different churches. Even here in Jaro Carmel there were many people who came to pray, most of them came by families. It was a touching moment to see families visiting the church and praying together. There is always a good reason to thank God... because He knows our needs and what is best for us. Our faith may not be perfect but we try to give God in return for His love for us. As always, we assure all - of our continued prayers. We hope the Lord will grant you your heart's desire. Let us continue to trust Him despite some difficulties in life. This is the message of Easter... without calvary there is no Resurrection; without pain there is no real joy. Get to know about our life and history. Visit our website. Click

The French sisters who founded the first Discalced Carmelite nuns in the Philippines

MOTHER THERESA OF JESUS  MA MÈRE  FOUNDRESS, PRIORESS   Maria Victoria Pagot August 11, 1882 – October 22, 1958 Born in Noirmoutier, Vendee, France. She entered the Carmel of Lons-le-Sauniers on Nov. 4, 1903 and made her final vows on Aug. 15, 1906. She left France for Hue, Vietnam on Aug. 22, 1911 and for the Philippines on Oct. 22, 1923. God's holy will: the key of Ma Mère's profound serenity of soul. She had a tender, filial love for our blessed Mother. As Prioress and Mistress of Novices she led her daughters with firmness and gentleness (a rare virtue) and installed in their young minds a solid asceticism and humility. She was herself the exemplar of the practices she enjoined on her daughters. Never did she utter a word which might reveal her intense interior life. The deep peace which radiated from her countenance was the only outward manifestation of her profound union with God. A remarkable trait is her maternal affection and solicitude for each of her daughters, her

Bishop James Paul McCloskey: Bishop-Founder of Jaro Carmel

Two great devotions characterized the spiritual life of Bishop McCloskey: a great love for the Blessed Sacrament, and from infancy an extraordinary devotion to the Blessed Virgin, which in later years was centered on Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. His meditations on the life of the Little Flower of Lisieux made the good Bishop realize how the Order of Carmel, although essentially contemplative, was none the less apostolic and missionary. At the sight of the immense field of apostolate that lay before him and of more than a million souls confided to his episcopal care, the zealous Bishop turned his eyes towards the bright Carmelite star to learn from her the power of prayer and immolation in the salvation of souls and the help contemplative Orders bring to the Church, to Priests and missionaries. Praying before the tabernacle, the Bishop decided to establish a monastery of Discalced Carmelite Nuns in his diocese, and with unshakeable energy, he set himself to the fulfillment of his project.

My Vocation Story

Shared during the closing of the  Year of Consecrated Life – Feb. 12, 2016 with the Consecrated Men and Women of Iloilo City, at the Carmelite Chapel during an HOUR WITH THE BLESSED SACRAMENT HOW GOOD IT IS TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD! A JOY, INDEED, TO BE IN FELLOWSHIP WITH ALL HIS CHOSEN ONES! I am Sr. Naomi, the third of seven siblings by Manuel Lastimoso and Marcela Sumayan of New Lucena, Iloilo. I spent my early schooling in New Lucena, until I transferred to Sagrado and finished Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. Since my father was working in Guam just like the OFWS today, my mother was left alone, and life was not easy having seven children to take care of. At an early age I used to go to mass with my aunt who was a daily church goer and there I got to know our parish priest who told me he will give me stampita every time I go to mass. This was my childhood motivation to hear mass since I was at the age of five. Then the May devotion – daily offering of flo

Jaro Carmel... the beginning

  The Carmelite of Jaro Welcomes you! An old picture of our monastery The Carmelite Nuns have existed in this Archdiocese of Jaro for the past 99 years. Established in November 9,1923 as the first Carmelite Monastery in the Philippines founded by four French sisters from Hue, Vietnam. Carmelite Monasteries of Nuns belong to the contemplative branch of consecrated religious women devoted to a life of prayer and solitude for the Church and to pray for all, for the glory of God and salvation of souls.   Know more about us. Click here.